Allocation Management Use Cases

The use cases in this area describe ways a community manages access to its resources, including: project solicitations, proposal submissions, proposal reviews, and allocating resources to specific projects.

Research computers are powerful, but the demand to use them is larger than the capacity they offer. Access to these resources must be based on community priorities. The allocation system described in these use cases is used by the XSEDE system but is available to others as well. A central allocation system--one that researchers can use to request access to many resources--is important to ensure the easiest access by researchers.


(10 use cases)
Use Case ID Title Use Case Description
P2-01 Establish an Allocations Process
P2-02 Establish allocation review panel
P2-03 Add resources to allocations process
P2-04 Establish an allocation Submission Opportunity
P2-05 Submission of Allocation Request
P2-06 Manage review of Submissions to an Allocations Opportunity
P2-07 Submission of a Review
P2-08 Award or reject allocation request
P2-09 Allocation data reporting and access
P2-10 Customize allocation request data fields