Research Resource Discovery

Active Data Service (ADS)

Affiliation: UIUC

Provider: National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

Type: Backup And Storage


Campus hosted storage for data in active use.

Active Data Storage (ADS) provides projects with reliable mid-scale storage at an affordable cost.  Use models include: online backups, storage for the hosting of large data sets, operational data storage and scratch space for analysis, mid-term data storage for archival needs and more. The ADS offers scalable storage from a few terabytes to over a petabyte of storage exported as a private file system for each project available through multiple protocols with good transfer rates. The storage provides high-availability and high-reliability through the use of standard RAID technologies and the use of hardware providing redundant paths to tolerate the loss of a controller or entire server.

Active Data Storage (ADS) is a partnership between the RDSNCSA, and Tech Services. Projects can rely on the ADS to meet mid-scale storage needs such as online backups, hosting of large datasets, operational data storage and scratch space for analysis, mid-term data archiving, and more. The ADS offers scalable storage from a few terabytes to over a petabyte of storage exported as a private file system for each project available through multiple protocols with good transfer rates. The storage provides high-availability and high-reliability through the use of standard RAID technologies and hardware that provides redundant paths to tolerate the loss of a controller or entire server.

For more details about the ADS, view the ADS Service Level Definition.

Keywords: RAID, backup, storage, Storage, Storage Hardware

Quality Level: production

Associations: 168,285,171