Research Resource Discovery

Viewing: 26 - 50 of 56.


Imported Application - IUNI-GUILD Database

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Matlab (R2019a - Ubuntu 16.04)

Matlab R2019a install - requires an **m1.medium** or larger Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Development + GUI support + Docker Installation size ~ 36GB Licensed for: Standard Suite (MATLAB and Simulink) AUTOSAR Blockset Antenna Toolbox Bioinformatics Toolbox Communications Toolbox Control System Toolbox Curve Fitting Toolbox DSP System Toolbox Database Toolbox Datafeed Toolbox Deep Learning Toolbox Econometrics Toolbox Embedded Coder Filter Design HDL Coder Financial Instruments Toolbox Financial Toolbox Fixed-Point Designer Fuzzy Logic Toolbox GPU Coder Global Optimization Toolbox HDL Coder HDL Verifier Image Acquisition Toolbox Image Processing Toolbox Instrument Control Toolbox LTE HDL Toolbox LTE Toolbox MATLAB Coder MATLAB Compiler MATLAB Compiler SDK MATLAB Report Generator Mapping Toolbox Mixed-Signal Blockset Model Predictive Control Toolbox Optimization Toolbox Parallel Computing Toolbox Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Phased Array System Toolbox Powertrain Blockset Predictive Maintenance Toolbox Reinforcement Learning Toolbox Risk Management Toolbox Robotics System Toolbox Robust Control Toolbox Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox SerDes Toolbox Signal Processing Toolbox SimBiology SimEvents Simscape Simscape Driveline Simscape Electrical Simscape Fluids Simscape Multibody Simulink 3D Animation Simulink Check Simulink Code Inspector Simulink Coder Simulink Control Design Simulink Coverage Simulink Design Optimization Simulink Design Verifier Simulink Report Generator Simulink Requirements Simulink Test SoC Blockset Stateflow Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox System Composer System Identification Toolbox Text Analytics Toolbox Trading Toolbox Vision HDL Toolbox Wavelet Toolbox

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Mining SRA to identify dataset

This image walks through the steps to search the SRA using the SearhSRA gateway, and set of steps for filtering and visualizing the output generated. This is workflow developed by NCGAS and Rob Edwards with CEWiT REU students. For more information on the developed workflow, the information is available here

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

NodeJS for mongodb data inject v.1.0

Private, NodeJS which listens data request from app and feed to mongodb. This will be used as pre-processor of the yield meter in bigger cluster.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

RNA-seq analysis phylogenetics

Imported Application - RNA-seq analysis phylogenetics

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

RNAseq analysis phylogenetics

Imported Application - RNAseq analysis phylogenetics

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

betaPic_39um_w_fake_planets v.0.4

Has fake planets injected at /findr/Data/fp*

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

BioEnergy Portal UTSA

Made Changes the shell script that fetches data from TACC Corral Storage to Jetstream

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

CAFE Phylogenetics Tutorial

CAFE (Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution) is an application that analyzes changes in gene family size in a way that accounts for phylogenetic history and provides a statistical foundation for evolutionary inferences. This image includes a tutorial for a full CAFE pipeline including the applications CAFE, BLAST, MCL and r8s.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Frog Calls 2020 Analysis Image

This image is the base image for the Frog Call Identification Project in the 2020 Jetstream REU program. It has R, jupyter, sklearn, keras, and vsftpd installed.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Galaxy Standalone

Galaxy Standalone - based on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS This is a standalone Galaxy server that comes preconfigured with hundreds of tools and commonly used reference datasets: just launch and use. ***It is necessary to launch an instance type of Large or larger.*** See for information about this image and using it.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Genomics Toolkit

Genome Analysis Tools Look here of complete list of tools ->

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


Anaconda and related packages are installed

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


Set default python to python 3 and installed pandas, pyspark, matplotlib, pymongo etc

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


installed jupyterlab, pandas, pyspark, pymongo, and pandas in Python3

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


InterPro is a database which integrates together predictive information about proteins' function from a number of partner resources, giving an overview of the families that a protein belongs to and the domains and sites it contains

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

Matlab Minimal

Matlab R2018a with Update 6 built on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Development + GUI support + Docker Based on Ubuntu cloud image for 18.04 LTS with basic dev tools, GUI/Xfce added Installation size ~ 15 GB -- **requires m1.small or larger** Installation folder: /opt/MATLAB/R2018a Products: MATLAB Bioinformatics Toolbox 4.10 Curve Fitting Toolbox 3.5.7 Database Toolbox 8.1 Econometrics Toolbox 5.0 Financial Toolbox 5.11 Global Optimization Toolbox 3.4.4 Image Processing Toolbox 10.2 Neural Network Toolbox 11.1 Optimization Toolbox 8.1 Parallel Computing Toolbox 6.12 Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 3.0 Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 11.3 Symbolic Math Toolbox 8.1 SimuLink is NOT installed!

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

MongoDB_NodeJS on CentOS 7 v.1.0

MongoDB and Node.js on CentOS 7.4 for NoSQL database and back-end service.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

MySQL server

Based on the Ubuntu 16_04 Docker image, this image has mysql installed to allow the use of programs such as PASA, OrthoMCL and Trinotate to access database functions.

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


A version of the Neurepiomics image with data and scripts

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image


To run larger datasets on Photoscan

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image

R and Shiny Server with GCC (CentOS 7)

R, R Studio, and Shiny Server with GCC Shiny port is 3838 - /srv/shiny-server is the data directory Installation size ~ 7.3GB --> an m1.small is now required for proper operation and deployment

Affiliation: XSEDE
Provider: Indiana University (IU) Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)
Type: Cloud Image
