Research Resource Discovery

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3D Rendering and Routing - CU Fab Lab

We maintain one long-term computer lab (15 seats) and a number of flexible all-in-one (AIO) and laptop computers that can be setup in any fashion in other locations throughout the building. Generally our staffing and space capacity allow us to facilitate up to 30 participants in workshops, so long as they are split into two groups, or 45 if we split people up into three groups.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab
Type: Consulting And Support

Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS)

Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) provides services and resources to help students, faculty, and staff of the University of Illinois System achieve excellence in teaching, research, learning, and administrative pursuits. We focus our efforts to empower our university community in their daily work with IT systems and services.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS)
Type: Consulting And Support

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an interdisciplinary research institute devoted to leading-edge research in the physical sciences, computation, engineering, biology, behavior, cognition, and neuroscience.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Beckman Institute
Type: Consulting And Support

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology Information Technology Services

Beckman Information Technology Services provides secure and reliable network and computing services to support the Institute's leading-edge researchers and staff. Find the latest updates, help, and detailed information with ITS.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Beckman Institute
Type: Consulting And Support

Biostatistical Services

In response to the needs of investigators, IHSI offers high-quality biostatistical consulting and analysis services in support of biomedical, clinical, and health research.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI)
Type: Consulting And Support

Biostatistical services provided by the Illinois Biostatistics Core at IHSI

IHSI offers biostatistical consulting and analysis services in support of health-related research. These services include study design, power/sample size calculation, interpretation of results, assistance with grant applications and more. For rate information, please click the headline. To request a no-cost consultation meeting, please complete this form:

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI)
Type: Consulting And Support

Business Information Technology Services

Business Information Technology Services offers the following to College of Business faculty and staff. Audio/Visual Instructional Services Classroom Technology Data Management, Security and Reporting Database and Application Development Desktop Support and Software Installation Equipment Checkout Hardware and Server Security and Maintenance Research and Instructional Labs Technology Consulting Training Web Design and Development

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Business Information Technology Services
Type: Consulting And Support

Business Research Laboratory (BRL)

Business Information Technology Services is pleased to offer and support the Business Research Laboratory (BRL). The Business Research Laboratory can be used for classroom instruction and research purposes by faculty and researches that are members the College of Business at the University of Illinois.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Business Research Lab
Type: Consulting And Support

Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)

The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) is a hub of innovation and hands-on support for those who want to discuss and work with higher education trends, models, projects, and resources. CITL uses leading pedagogical approaches, research-based methodologies, innovative instructional technologies, and comprehensive assessment practices to strengthen teaching efforts and improve student learning outcomes. Central to our modern mission is strengthening the linkages between CITL and colleges, programs, and units across the University that are integral to the teaching and learning missions of the university. Through our programs and activities, colleagues can share ideas and expertise with one another, learn of new developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and strengthen their teaching skills and strategies.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Center for Microanalysis of Materials

The Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMM) provides researchers with open access for self-use to a comprehensive array of modern nanostructural and nanochemical analysis techniques including electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, surface microanalysis, X-ray scattering, and ion-beam spectroscopies. These instruments are maintained, operated and developed by professional scientists who teach instrument use and assist in interpretation of results.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Materials Research Laboratory (MRL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Center for People & Infrastructures

The Center for People and Infrastructures seeks to better understand social norms, market structures, public policies and human capabilities that shape and are affected by the development of smart infrastructures. The center brings together experts in engineering, design, the social sciences, and computer science.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Coordinated Science Lab (CSL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab

The Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab is an open and collaborative workshop space for computer-driven innovation, design and fabrication. We enable makers of all kinds to imagine, design and create using open source software and DIWO (do it with others!) methodologies. We do this by working with a local and international network to actively cultivate public engagement through community-focused art-entrepreneurship, research and education.

Fab Lab is short for Fabrication Laboratory. It is an advanced workshop space for rapid prototyping and computer-based design. It is comprised of a network of smaller mini or mobile fab lab spaces. The on-campus space has a suite of fabrication machines, including laser engravers, CNC routers, 3D printers and 3D scanners, electronic cutters, digital textile machines, small board electronics, robotics, vacuum formers, graphic drawing tablets, advanced CAD software and more. Classes on these technologies are held for up to 50 participants.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab
Type: Consulting And Support

College of Applied Health Sciences Research Support / Center on Health, Aging, and Disability

Foster interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach that promotes health and wellness, healthy aging across the lifespan, healthy communities and optimal participation of individuals with disabilities.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: College of Applied Health Sciences
Type: Consulting And Support

College of Applied Health Sciences Research Support / Office of Information, Security, and Technology (OIST)

Provide or help find solutions for faculty, staff, and students needs that are based on technology in general, and in information technology in particular, which are oriented to support and improve research, teaching, and outreach

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: College of Applied Health Sciences
Type: Consulting And Support

Community Learning Lab

The University of Illinois School of Social Work's Community Learning Lab’s mission is to promote, establish, and sustain community engagement. The Community Learning Lab (CLL) creates and supports relationships between the community and the students at the University of Illinois in a partnership that is mutually beneficial in the areas of sustainability, service, growth, and education. The goals of the Community Learning Lab are to: PARTNER with the community to produce outcomes that will enable them to enrich the services they provide, show the impact of their services, and maintain sustainability. PROVIDE students with an experiential learning opportunity that engages them as citizens and enhances their skills and education experiences in a marketable way. EMPOWER instructors to enhance their curriculums and serve vulnerable populations by overseeing the projects.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: School of Social Work
Type: Consulting And Support

Confronting Challenges in Academic Units

The CCAU initiative develops early-warning indicators for identifying challenges before they become incapacitating, as well as approaches and solutions for addressing those challenges. Building on our experience in academic administration and leadership, NCPRE develops concepts, labels, tools, and approaches for dealing with challenges in a principled, pragmatic, and effective manner.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Coordinated Science Lab (CSL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Copyrights Librarian/ Consultations, Unit- Library

Anytime one has copyright issues such as authors' rights, expanding agreements, how to best use materials in class/ e- reserves / course web management tools or using someone else's work

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: University Library
Type: Consulting And Support

Course-related instruction on finding and using data

Contact the GIS Librarian to schedule an introduction to geographic or numeric data for your class. There is an instructional lab in the library that has ArcGIS and SPSS installed on fourteen workstations if you do not have this software available in your classroom. For LAS courses, the CITL Data Analytics Program also offers course tutorials incorporating data and software instruction. Please visit the ATLAS-CITL Data Analytics site, which has a link to workshop registration.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: University Library
Type: Consulting And Support

CSL Tech Support

Help Desk: For all assistance inquiries, from general to detailed, please contact the Engineering IT Help Desk. You'll get a personal response within 1 business day.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Engineering IT
Type: Consulting And Support

Cyberinfrastructure Tutor (CI-Tutor)

CI-Tutor offers self-paced online tutorials on high-end computing topics such as parallel computing, multi-core performance, and performance tools. Its goal is to enable the high end computing community to effectively use cyberinfrastructure resources.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Type: Consulting And Support

Data Analytics Consulting

We provide consulting on how to find and prepare data for analysis as well as survey construction and implementation. These services are open to all University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty, staff and students. Statistical consulting is available to students, faculty and staff in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Our open lab with consulting services is available during the fall and spring semester: G8 Foreign Language building

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Data Analytics WORKSHOPS

We conduct short evening workshops on how to use statistical software, qualitative programs, and questionnaire design each semester.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL)
Type: Consulting And Support

Database Hosting

Database Hosting provides structured database storage, access, design, and administration.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Technology Services
Type: Consulting And Support

Data Center Management

Each data center has the following features: Controlled physical access, Availability of Uninterruptable Power Supply-protected circuits (to sustain power for short intervals of power loss), Power Distribution Units that allow for remedial monitoring of power usage, Air Conditioning (humidity, filtering, cooling), Some form of fire suppression (typically sprinklers), Standard square-hole racks for systems, Adequate lighting. Engineering IT provides: Liaison to Data Center Shared Services. Coordination on installation of equipment with DCSS. DCSS or Engineering IT will notify customers of outages or degradation of services in the data center facilities as soon as possible. Advice on the best solution for you.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: Engineering IT
Type: Consulting And Support

Data Management Consultations

In response to the OSTP Public Access Memo from 2013, most funding agencies require Data Management Plans (DMPs) with every funding proposal. Funders typically outline or link to their DMP requirements in their funding announcements. DMPs can play a role in a funder's award decision. DMPs have advantages beyond their role in grant awards. The development of these documents can prompt valuable communication and planning among collaborators during the early stages of a project. Later on, a DMP can provide a framework for documentation that keeps graduate students, postdocs, and collaborators aware of systematic organization, expectations, and policies. At the end of the project, everyone is more likely to be on the same page when it's time to publish a paper, submit a new grant or renewal, or write a thesis. The Research Data Service provides fast, free, and confidential feedback on draft DMPs. We work with library-based subject experts so that our feedback incorporates disciplinary and data management expertise.

Affiliation: UIUC
Provider: University Library
Type: Consulting And Support
