
Displaying 61 - 70 of 99 news postings.

Jul 18, 2018
XSEDE's Cyberinfrastructure Integration team (XCI) has provided a new debugging tool for XSEDE's Web Single Sign-on (Web SSO) feature. XSEDE Web applications--including the XSEDE User Portal (XUP)--use the Web SSO feature to enable users to login using their XSEDE username and password, their... more
Jul 16, 2018
The XCI team has established a new internal repository to gather and retain long-term XSEDE integrated software usage data. This data will be used in ROI analysis and to improve XSEDE's software integration and support decisions. During PY7 we started automatically collect usage information for an... more
Jun 28, 2018
Dan Voss, Campus Champions Fellow for Cyberinfrastructure Resource Integration, is testing virtual cluster software developed with the help of staff at SDSC at a campus cluster in Nebraska.  The virtual cluster software will allow the creation of clusters as virtual systems on campus resources... more
Jun 27, 2018
The Information Publishing Framework (IPF) enables XSEDE Service Providers to programmatically publish information about the software and services available to users of their resources. A new IPF version 1.4-1 includes these enhancements: Improved installation and configuration documentation and... more
Jun 4, 2018
The Community Software Repository (CSR) enables software providers and operators to advertise about the software they make available to the community, which in turn enables the community to discover available software. With the expansion of the CSR to include software supported by XSEDE, Science... more
Mar 26, 2018
A collaboration between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and XSEDE has created a pilot portal at UIUC that enables campus researchers to discover technology resources available from their local campus and from research infrastructures like XSEDE. In the future the plan is to... more
Mar 16, 2018
The Globus team at the University of Chicago stopped development of the Globus Toolkit at the end of 2017 and plans to stop providing security patches by the end of 2018 [1].   XSEDE uses Globus Toolkit components in day-to-day operations.  Note, the Globus announcement does not affect XSEDE’s use... more
Jan 25, 2018
During December 2017 and January 2018 the UREP reviewed a set of seventeen newly proposed use cases for the XSEDE system and rated their importance in light of the community’s needs. The proposed use cases came from a variety of sources, including the Community Engagement & Enrichment (CEE)... more
Nov 14, 2017
XSEDE's Cyberinfrastructure Integration area (XCI) recently published new use cases describing how XSEDE personnel and community members need to manage and use group definitions. In its simplest form, a group definition is a list of people that needs to be maintained and used for some ongoing... more
Oct 20, 2017
XSEDE Cyberinfrastructure Resource Integration has helped Slippery Rock University implement a new OpenHPC system.  The Lava system, led by Dr. Nitin Sukhija, will be used for research as well as education, and brings 9.8TF to the campus computing infrastructure.  XCRI Engineer Eric Coulter... more
