
Displaying 21 - 30 of 99 news postings.

Feb 4, 2021
XCI team worked through challenges of a pandemic-induced remote build at University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) to enable HPC projects spanning particle transport, micro-mixing, stochastic modeling, ecological modeling, and bioinformatics and disease spread modeling. Read more here
Jan 22, 2021
XSEDE has improved the ability for science gateways and other research software providers and integrators to install, advertise, share, and support their own software on XSEDE resources using a feature called Community Software Areas or "CSAs". Recently released improvements to the CSA feature... more
Jan 5, 2021
The Grid Community Toolkit has released new GSI-OpenSSH packages with High Performance SSH/SCP (HPN) patches in EPEL 7 and EPEL 8.  HPN patches improve remote file copy performance for scp.  Our XSEDE GCT GSI-SSH documentation has been updated to reflect the new GCT GSI-SSH release at https://... more
Dec 9, 2020
The Information Publishing Framework (IPF) enables XSEDE Service Providers to programmatically publish information about the software and services available to users of their resources. Version 1.6 is a minor bug fix release that addresses configuration, service workflow publishing, and daemonized... more
Nov 23, 2020
XSEDE's InCommon Identity Provider (IdP) allows XSEDE users to sign in to web sites that are part of the ​InCommon Federation​ (for example, ​GENI​ and ​ORCID​) using their XSEDE accounts. This capability is especially useful for users who do not have an existing InCommon IdP provided... more
Oct 30, 2020
In 2018 XSEDE and UIUC introduced a new Cross-institutional Research Resource Discovery capability (announcement). XSEDE is now introducing its own Research Tools and Services discovery interface built using an improved version of this catalog which enables more advanced (Elasticsearch) discovery... more
Oct 30, 2020
A new Comprehensive XSEDE Software Discovery service significantly enhances the ability to find and use software, including: Software and applications on XSEDE resources supported by HPC operators or by the community Hosted services provided by XSEDE and other members of the community Cloud... more
Sep 29, 2020
The Research Software Portal enables researchers, developers, educators, and students to discover research enhancing software and digital services from a search interface.  The interface searches software and digital services from a centralized information services, which receives data... more
Sep 29, 2020
Software development best practices include distributing copyright and licensing information with software. As an NSF funded project, XSEDE is committed to developing open source software, however, it can't hold a copyright or enforce licensing. Most software is developed collaboratively by persons... more
Sep 14, 2020
The Globus project stopped maintaining the Globus Toolkit “GT” at the end of 2018. The Grid Community Forum ( forked the GT source to create the Grid Community Toolkit “GCT” ( which is maintained by the research community. Some XSEDE Service Providers... more
