use cases

Synchronizing data between campus and XSEDE

Some research projects—particularly those with team members at multiple campuses—need to maintain copies of the project's data on a campus system and on an XSEDE system. (This need was recognized and documented by XSEDE's Campus Bridging initiative.) Keeping these copies synchronized is important, but it shouldn't be time-consuming for researchers. Cloud synchronization services like Dropbox and Google Drive aren't always practical for research data at supercomputing scale.

New campus bridging use cases published

XSEDE has published a third version of its Campus Bridging use cases.  These use cases describe how campus information technology (IT) administrators and campus-based research projects: (a) treat XSEDE's resources as extensions of their campus environments, (b) offer services at their campuses to others in the XSEDE community, and (c) deliver new services to their campuses that leverage XSEDE’s experiences and solutions.  The third version includes four new use cases identified by XSEDE's Cyberinfrastructure Resource Integration (XCRI) activit

XSEDE publishes use cases for managing and using user groups

XSEDE's Cyberinfrastructure Integration area (XCI) recently published new use cases describing how XSEDE personnel and community members need to manage and use group definitions. In its simplest form, a group definition is a list of people that needs to be maintained and used for some ongoing purpose. Typical purposes include access control, communication, and project management.

XSEDE publishes use cases for community-building activities

XSEDE's Community Infrastructure area (XCI) recently published new use cases describing two important community-building features of the XSEDE system: community infrastructure and Service Provider (SP) integration. These two documents describe how the XSEDE system facilitates information sharing and coordination between XSEDE, its Service Providers (SPs), and the research community at large.

Results of Fall 2016 XSEDE UREP prioritization are available

The results of a December 2016 priority assessment conducted by the XSEDE User Requirements Evaluation and Prioritization Working Group (UREP) are now available to the public. The UREP reviewed XSEDE's plans for new system features and descriptions of user needs that had been submitted in 2016 and ranked their importance to the XSEDE user community. XSEDE will use this assessment to guide its system improvement activities in the first half of 2017.


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