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Normal topic xdinfo - using local as match string causes an error with Python3
by Christopher S Irving on Thu, 2019-05-23 12:33
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Thu, 2019-05-23 16:47
XCI-566: Python compatibility upgrade for xdinfo
Normal topic Q3: Does the proposed pilot adequately factor XSEDE's authorization assurance requirements
by Lee Liming on Thu, 2018-09-20 15:07
1 by Jim Basney
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-302: Participate in the REFEDS Assurance Framework Pilot
Normal topic Dates in 2017?
by Lee Liming on Thu, 2018-07-12 11:13
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-231: Formalize the Community Software Area (CSA) Capability
Normal topic Arguments for/against the design should be separated
by Lee Liming on Mon, 2018-02-26 13:08
1 by Venkatesh Yekkirala
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-317: XSEDE Web SSO Design
Normal topic FYI - Another usage data point
by Lee Liming on Thu, 2021-02-18 15:19
1 by Jim Basney
Mon, 2021-02-22 10:03
XCI-339: Replace with CILogon and
Normal topic Looking for materials to review
by Scott Sakai on Thu, 2020-04-09 15:06
1 by Derek Simmel
Thu, 2020-04-09 15:40
XCI-496: SSH with OAuth (OIDC/OAuth SSH service and client)
Normal topic Typo, Page 10
by Steven Peckins on Mon, 2018-02-12 14:42
1 by Venkatesh Yekkirala
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-317: XSEDE Web SSO Design
Normal topic OSG CA Certs issues after 2018-05-31
by Terrence Fleury on Thu, 2019-04-18 15:09
1 by Jim Basney
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-373: Retire OSG CA
Normal topic Design is missing requirements section
by Lee Liming on Tue, 2018-12-04 13:08
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-73: Upgrade information services to leverage the AWS platform
Normal topic typo in
by Susan Litzinger on Mon, 2018-12-10 15:14
1 by Galen Arnold
Sat, 2019-04-27 23:03
XCI-182: Automatically analyze CILogon usage
Normal topic clarification on resource_name and api_id
by Christopher S Irving on Fri, 2018-07-06 20:26
1 by Peter Enstrom
Sat, 2019-04-27 23:03
XCI-186: Usage and error reporting enhancements for xdusage
Normal topic Some SSO hub usage data collected manually
by Victor Hazlewood on Thu, 2017-10-19 10:18
1 by Venkatesh Yekkirala
Sat, 2019-04-27 23:03
XCI-185: Analyze SSO Hub usage
Normal topic xdinfo - no output for SiteID or ResourceID match string.
by Christopher S Irving on Wed, 2019-05-22 19:49
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Mon, 2019-06-17 09:54
XCI-566: Python compatibility upgrade for xdinfo
Normal topic Section E.2.2
by Lee Liming on Wed, 2018-04-18 11:52
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-187: Establish an XSEDE wide usage data collection server and repository
Normal topic Review feedback for REVIEW-80: Globus Connect v.5.4 Custom Domains - Design/Security Review
by Eric Blau on Fri, 2021-01-22 14:34
1 by Lee Liming
Thu, 2021-04-22 13:16
XCI-101: Deliver XSEDE GCS deployment and configuring documentation
Normal topic Ensure that CSA owners have appropriate startup or developer allocation processes available
by Rob Light on Fri, 2018-07-13 16:41
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-231: Formalize the Community Software Area (CSA) Capability
Normal topic Section D comments
by Shava Smallen on Fri, 2019-06-14 10:26
1 by John-Paul Navarro
Fri, 2019-06-14 17:12
XCI-231: Formalize the Community Software Area (CSA) Capability
Normal topic Review comments
by Choonhan Youn on Thu, 2021-04-15 00:53
1 by Lee Liming
Thu, 2021-04-15 10:19
XCI-339: Replace with CILogon and
Normal topic Certificate disposal
by Jeff Makey on Mon, 2019-11-18 16:52
1 by Jim Basney
Mon, 2019-11-18 17:09
XCI-509: Enhance CILogon Silver CA with support for REFEDS Assurance
Normal topic OSG CA retirement dates
by Derek Simmel on Fri, 2018-04-27 15:42
1 by Jim Basney
Sat, 2019-04-27 21:53
XCI-373: Retire OSG CA


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