xdusage test script

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xdusage test script

The second test in the test plan references the xdusage test and there are a couple issues with it.

The test says to have the tester's account in xdusage.admins. This instruction is out of date. The current version has a "admin_name=" line in the xdusage.conf file.

Also the test has a comment in it:

Target platforms
The xdusage script will be tested on the following XSEDE and other resources:
1. <fill in by Shava>


Delivery Effort Stage: 

Hi Peter,

Thanks, I've made a copy of the old SDIACT-216 test plan and put it in your XCI-186 folder here:


Can you update it for XCI-186 and then we can re-use this activity as well.  For resources, you want to test either or both CentOS 6 or 7.



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