Section E.2.7 could be more specific about usage data and logs

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Section E.2.7 could be more specific about usage data and logs

Section E.2.7 mentions logging data to XSEDE's central syslog service, but it doesn't note what information is logged. Are either of the following points addressed by this logging, or any other design feature?

  • Is the recorded data sufficient to be used in usage data reporting? (E.g., unique users and uses per unit time.)
  • Is the recorded data sufficient for use when responding to security incidents? (E.g., transaction records combining XSEDE identity, timestamp, client IP address, Duo validation.)

Yes, thanks, I'm revising Section E.2.7 of the design doc to add forward references to Section E.2.8 (regarding data for incident response) and Section E.2.13 (regarding data for usage tracking).

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