XI-765 Launch Review Feedback

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XI-765 Launch Review Feedback

Please post plan and launch review comments as replies to this thread.

Delivery Effort Stage: 

No comments to this. I approve the plan to move forward.

Looks good to me.

I reviewed the proposed effort for myself (16 hours) and it appears correct. My only minor comment is that since I have 4 hours a week to give to XSEDE that 16 hours will be spread across 4 calendar weeks once this passes launch review. That will be past the 10-31-2020 date listed for "Phase 1/beta published use cases and CDPs in CSR"

That is 16 hours of effort on user stories, use cases, and CDPs through phase 3 and October 31, 2021 (next year). A fraction of that effort is for Phase 1/beta user stories, use cases, and CDPs.



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