XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "RC-07: Use a container to create a specific runtime environment on a resource"

Use Case RC-07: Use a container to create a specific runtime environment on a resource

Area: Community Building
URLs: Review

Executive Summary: A community member needs to use a container image on a resource in order to create the runtime environment needed for their work.

First CDP: 2019-10-23
Current Implementation Status: 
Discussion Forums: 
Significant Revisions:
This capability is currently supported by the following 2 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Service Provider Batch Processing Services yes Enables a community member to submit a batch job that runs the container on a compute node
yes Enables the community member to find: 1) cloud resources that could run VMs that support containers (https://portal.xsede.org/resource-monitor), and 2) user documentation on using containers on XSEDE (https://portal.xsede.org/containers)