Executive Summary: A researcher wants to install software on a community resource for use by a research community.
The functionality described in this use case is supported by the operational components listed here.
Component | User facing? | Component’s role in the capability |
Globus Transfer | yes | Enables community software owners to programmatically copy or synchronize software between community software areas on different resources. |
Grid Community Toolkit GSI OpenSSH Service | yes | Enables community software owners to login and install software shared with a community, or to copy software between resources. |
Information Services | yes | Enables potential community software owners to discover which XSEDE resources support CSAs: https://info.xsede.org/wh1/warehouse-views/v1/resources-csa/ |
Research Software Portal (RSP) | yes | Enables potential community software owners to discover whether a target resource already has the desired software using the Research Software Portal at: https://software.xsede.org/xsede-software-discovery. |
yes | Enables community software owners to login and install software shared with a community, or to copy software between resources through SSO hub using XSEDE credentials. | |
yes | Enables potential community software owners to discover whether a target resource already has the desired software using the user portal at: https://portal.xsede.org/software#/ | |
yes | Enables potential community software owners to identify one or more XSEDE target resources where the software would be useful to his/her research community using https://www.xsede.org/ecosystem/resources |