XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "DM-04: Migration of data associated with change of primary computational site"

Use Case DM-04: Migrate data to a new resource

Area: Scientific Data
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A researcher, educator, science gateway developer, or application developer needs to migrate data to a new resource when the researcher’s allocation ends or when a resource is decommissioned.

First CDP: 2018-10-02
Current CDP: 2018-08-31
Current Implementation Status: 
Time & Effort Summary: 

No effort or changes are proposed at this time.

Significant Revisions:
  • 2018-09-01 00:05 (current revision)
This capability is currently supported by the following 3 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Globus Connect Server no Globus Connect Server is a software package that Service Providers can install on their resources to enable Globus data transfer to and from the resources.
Globus Toolkit GridFTP Service no Service Providers can install the Globus Toolkit GridFTP package on their resources to enable Globus data transfers to and from their resources.
Globus Transfer yes Globus is XSEDE's managed data transfer service and provides the primary interface for mass data movement to and from XSEDE resources.