XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "DA-01: Discover data analysis resources and documentation"

Use Case DA-01: Discover data analysis resources and documentation

Area: Scientific Data
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A researcher needs to find information about the data analysis resources, applications, and services available to the community. This is a pure discovery process; no data manipulation or analytics are performed.

First CDP: 2016-06-20
Current CDP: 2020-04-14
Current Implementation Status: 
Discussion Forums: 
Significant Revisions:
  • 2020-04-14 10:22 (current revision)
This capability is currently supported by the following 4 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Information Publishing Framework (IPF) no Enables SPs to publish software and service availability information
Resource Description Repository (RDR) no Manages compute, storage, and visualization resource descriptions
Software and Service Availability Repository no Manages software and service descriptions and availability information.
XSEDE User Portal (XUP) yes The front-end user interface to the XSEDE system where end users register with XSEDE, manage their user profile information, request allocations to use XSEDE SP resources, and access documentation about XSEDE resources, software, services, and more.