XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "CI-07: Discuss a community activity"

Use Case CI-07: Discuss a community activity

Area: Community Building
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: Community members need to discuss the priority, plan, design, or final product of an activity affecting the capabilities available to the community.

First CDP: 2018-08-18
Current CDP: 2018-08-18
Current Implementation Status: 
Time & Effort Summary: 

No effort is proposed at this time.

This use case is fully supported by the components listed here.

This capability is currently supported by the following 1 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Research Software Portal (RSP) yes The RSP's Forums feature allows authorized staff members to establish discussion forums for specific topics, including use cases, activities, specific stages or artifacts of the engineering process. It further enables authenticated individuals to initiate and respond to specific topics within each forum.