XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "CI-04: Publish current and desired system capabilities, their availability, and their implementation status"

Use Case CI-04: Publish current and desired system capabilities, their availability, and their implementation status

Area: Community Building
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A community member needs to create a public record of system capabilities (aka “use cases”) that are needed by members of the research community.

First CDP: 2018-08-18
Current CDP: 2018-08-18
Current Implementation Status: 
Time & Effort Summary: 

No effort is proposed at this time.

This use case is fully supported by the components listed here.

This capability is currently supported by the following 1 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Research Software Portal (RSP) yes The RSP's Use Case Registry function allows authorized staff members to enter new use cases and edit or remove existing ones to reflect their current status. Use cases in the registry can be viewed and searched by the general public. (Authentication is not required.) The RSP further supports adding Capability Delivery Plans (CDPs) that explain the current implementation status and activities related to each use case, and also allows these use cases to be included in priority rating campaigns.