XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "CB-12: Setup monitoring and usage reporting for a campus HPC resource"

Use Case CB-12: Setup monitoring and usage reporting for a campus HPC resource

Area: Community Building
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A campus IT administrator wants to reuse community practices concerning compute resource monitoring and reporting needs. The administrator would like to monitor load on an HPC environment and generate detailed usage reports based on resource manager logs.

First CDP: 2018-09-07
Current CDP: 2018-09-07
Current Implementation Status: 
Time & Effort Summary: 

No changes or effort are proposed at this time.

This capability is currently supported by the following 1 components:
User facing? Component’s role in the capability
yes The XSEDE Cyberinfrastructure Resource Integration (XCRI) group provides a cluster monitoring toolkit based on Ganglia and OpenXDMoD that serves as a starting point for campus cluster operators who need a monitoring solution.